Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big news on the home front

Hello Bloggy Fans!  Two things to update on:

1.  Had my first wedding nightmare.  It involved Professor Callahan from Legally Blonde, reading a legal treatise in one night, and my wedding dress.

I'm not sure if that means it's a wedding-related nightmare or a law school nightmare.  Either way, it definitely demonstrates problems with my mental health.  I need vodka and a cupcake, STAT!

2.  I'm likely moving to D.C. next year.  This is my official bloggy announcement.  Yesterday, I got an offer from an Atlanta-based firm for a position in their D.C. office.  I have to fly up there to meet with everyone and do a pseudo interview sometime in the next few weeks.  If things go relatively well, I'll be in D.C. by the beginning of 2012, but probably sooner.  The word on the street is that the start date is October 2011, which sucks because it's a month before the wedding.  I was really hoping for a January 2012 start date like it's been in the past.  Who knows what it really is, though.  I'm a little freaked out, because I wasn't expecting this at all.  Make that whiskey and two cupcakes, STAT!

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the good news! Sorry to hear you won't be in ATL though... :(
