Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You know what sucks?

Having already put in almost 30 hours of work this week AND it's only Wednesday AND we had Monday off AND I'm still in the office.

You know what else also sucks?  Not having time to actualy send an e-mail longer than 10 words to my awesome wedding planner who is trying to get me to start thinking about important things like flowers.  Do you know how expensive flowers are?  REALLY expensive.  I really want to do my own flowers because:

(1) It's more economical.  By a long shot.
(2) I want to be able to tell people after they "ooh" and "ahh" over the beautiful arrangements that I did them myself.

But you've heard all this before.  And I've already thought about the time-value-of-money (or is it the money-value-of-time?  Whatever).  Part of me still really, really wants to do this.  I'm crafty and I have a hard time farming things out when I can do it myself.  And I want my personal stamp on everything.  I think I also am swayed by all those brides on my blogs who do their own flowers, and I think, "If they can do it, so can I!"  I want to be featured in a blog with them saying, "and the bride did all her own florals."

So anyway, my planner sent me a link to her favorite florists old website (her new one is being made as we speak and is down).  She knows I keep talking about doing my own flowers; I think she's sending me a hint that this is a bad idea.  She says that this florist books up fast, but my weekend is still available.

Her fave venue is also the Cotton Dock.  WOO! THAT'S ME!

Anyway, Chris is like, "GET A FLORIST!"  He's pretty adamant and he's probably right.  He says that doing crafts all along, while ambitious, is not unreasonable.  However, it is not okay to be doing something the week of the wedding, particularly since, "we have to deal with our parents."  Deal with-- his words, not mine.  It does take a lot to deal with our family, though.

 Anyone know what a reasonable floral budget is?  Like I don't know if it's $1000 or $5000.  Anyone, anyone?  I have to admit that although I am pretty well-researched on everything else in the wedding world, I know nothing about the cost of actually hiring a professional florist.

I've decided, though, that if we do (shudder) hire a florist, I do not want this costing an arm and a leg.  We will  have to get down to some serious negotiations in order to get a great look without things costing an inordinate amount.  Seriously.  If this is going to cost us ridiculous amounts of money, then I will figure out a way to do it myself.  She can (maybe) make the bridal party bouquets, and then I'll do the rest.

I have never been known for being practical.

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